Trunojoyo Madura University's Debut International Conference: Navigating Green Economy in Society 5.0

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[SURABAYA, November 29, 2023] — The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) at Trunojoyo Madura University proudly announces the successful commencement of the 1st Trunojoyo Madura International Conference. Held at the Grand Dafam Signature, Surabaya, and launched at 08:30 a.m., the event adopts a hybrid format, allowing both in-person attendance and virtual participation via Zoom meeting. The conference revolves around the theme "Collaboration and Strengthening Local Potentials for Green Economy based Sustainable Development Towards Society 5.0." It encompasses two sub-conferences: the International Conference on Engineering, Science, and Technology (ICEST) and the International Conference on Social Science and Economics (ICSSE).


The distinguished event was inaugurated by Mr. Achmad Amzeri, the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs at Trunojoyo Madura University. Symbolically, the conference was opened with the melodious notes of the Saronen, a traditional Madurese flute, blown by the Vice Rector, the Head of Research and Community Service Institute, the Head of the Committee, and esteemed plenary speakers. The Saronen holds cultural significance among the Madurese community, signifying the celebration. The conference featured prominent plenary speakers from across the globe, including Raquel M Balanay, PhD (Carage State University), Wahyu Caesarendra, Ph.D. (University Brunei Darussalam), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nizarul Alim, M.Si., aAk., CA (Universitas Trunojoyo Madura), Prof. Booi Kam (RMIT Australia), Wahyu Rahmaniar, Ph.D (Tokyo Institute of Technology), and Andharini Dwi Cahyani, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D. (Universitas Trunojoyo Madura).


Presentation sessions were held both offline and online, facilitating global participation and interaction following the plenary speaker sessions. The primary focus of the conference is to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the local potential green economy in the era of Society 5.0. By bringing together experts and scholars from diverse fields, the conference aims to foster collaboration and innovation in sustainable development. Mr. Achmad Amzeri, the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, expressed optimism about the conference, stating, "We believe that this is being the platform for the research and improve the economy through local potential. Then the outcomes of this conference will not only benefit our own community but will also prove invaluable to all countries that join this collaborative effort." The 1st Trunojoyo Madura International Conference marks a significant milestone in promoting interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperation for a sustainable and green future.


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